
DevTools: Landmarks tree view with page overlays


Landmarks are an important accessibility feature of any web product as they allow users of assistive technology to navigate them quickly without a lot less noise and interaction. Currently there is no way to see in a visual manner what part of the document constitutes a landmark.

Status of this feature

This is a proposal for a new feature that is not yet in development.


Currently the only way to verify the existence of landmarks is via manual testing or by checking the Accessibility tree.

Accessibility tree showing a main element

There is also an experimental, full accessibility tree view in the Elements tool.

Full accessibility tree replacing the DOM tree in the elements tool

Both these tools do not offer a visual overlay showing the user what part of the document is the landmark. You also need to know what constitutes a landmark.

Therefore having a landmark tree with page overlays would be useful for spot checking accessibility. There are already Developer Tools extensions like the Landmarks browser extension that offers this functionality. You can see the extension in action watching this video or in the following screenshot.

Extension showing the landmarks tree and the highlighted corresponding section in the live site

Currently the Accessibility tool already features a Source Order Viewer, that applies overlays to the document.

Source order viewer showing the source order as an overlay in the document

This proposal is to offer an own landmarks tree with similar overlays in the Accessibility tool and show overlays in the current document in the Accessibility tree. Furthermore, the full accessibility tree display should highlight landmarks in a more obvious manner.


  1. Give web content authors a simple way to verify that their landmarks syntax is correct.
  2. Allow testers to verify the existence of landmarks in a web product in a fast and visual way.


Have feedback? We want to hear it! Issue #56 tracks community feedback on this explainer.